Marketer of products from the La Merced field

COMERCED is a company that has its origins in the early 70s in the Mercado de la Merced, whose name is synonymous with "commerce in the city."


The Merced market was named after the establishment of the monastery of Nuestra Señora de la Merced de la Redención de los Cautivos in 1594.

From the beginning of the 20th century, the Merced market was the main wholesale distribution center in Mexico City, especially for food products, until approximately the 1980s, when the Central de Abastos de Iztapalapa was created. (CEDA), this being the main wholesale market for consumer products in Mexico and Latin America.



Market products from the field, maintaining fluid communication with our suppliers and customers, based mainly on high business ethics, always focusing on joint growth.


To be leaders in the commercialization of the products in the field that we handle, constantly considering and analyzing the needs and expectations of our suppliers and clients, focusing work and creativity, on the application of the best solutions, achieving joint growth of suppliers and clients.

Commercial Evolution of La Merced


La Merced fundation

The monastery of Our Lady of Mercy of the Redemption of the Captives is established, giving rise to the name and commercial activity of the Merced market.


Wholesale Boom

La Merced becomes the main wholesale distribution center for food products in Mexico City.



COMERCED, symbolizing "commerce in the city", has its origins in the Merced market at the beginning of this decade.


Time of the Central de Abastos

With the inauguration of the Iztapalapa Supply Central (CEDA), COMERCED moves to this new trading center, but keeps alive the memory of its origins, a symbol of tradition and commerce in Mexico City.

Our values

Historical, present
and future honesty



Trust between suppliers,
customers and us

Building long-term business relationships

Talk business

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